Why Automated Preventive Control Is Critical

Our premise is simple. Every Internet session can and should be fully staged, parsed, and deeply inspected inline (not in a sandbox) at the network perimeter in a manner that combines the best attributes of network security with the application layer fidelity of endpoint security.

We have moved beyond pattern matching and indicators of compromise. At a network level, Trinity Cyber technology establishes a full session at rest, pairs the request and response, parses file types and protocol fields, applies context engines, and interrogates every line of code in fully parsed context (down to the sub objects) to discover exploitive conditions, and then matches the answers with automated “triggered” responses that simultaneously produce extremely accurate detections, and an enduring, persistent and comprehensive countermeasure to any network observable attempt to exploit a known vulnerability.

Processing latency averages less than one millisecond!

How Trinity Cyber’s Leading Edge Technology Works

The patented technology invented by Trinity Cyber combines large-scale, high-end processors with a highly performant screening engine that decodes and parses protocols and files deeply and accurately, removing threats from your full network session traffic inline. By sanitizing malicious content and delivering a near zero false detection rate, the service considerably reduces your incident response work and its associated costs.

Remarkable Performance and Optimal Protection

  • Trinity Cyber delivers powerful performance without introducing noticeable latency.
  • Our solution more than doubles the performance results of your next generation firewall and intrusion prevention system at an average sub-millisecond processing speed!
  • We provide a highly advanced active intrusion prevention capability-as-a-service, delivered through a service edge architecture and managed out-of-band.
  • It operates outside your traditional security perimeter, protecting that perimeter and sitting invisibly between your network and the Internet.
  • This provides a positional advantage that protects your entire network, your security systems and appliances, as well as your traditional firewall.
  • It also removes any supply chain risk.


See Solution


Performance Results That Speak for Themselves

30% Improvement in Threat Detection & Prevention

  • We performed a series of internal tests to determine the additional value of our service when added to a high-end, widely used firewall equipped with threat prevention.
  • Trinity Cyber always identified additional threats and on average detected and prevented 30% more.

False Positives Rates Unmatched in the Marketplace

  • While firewall vendors do not publish False Positive Rates (FPRs), we know the leading firewall company’s 2019 FPR was 28%.
  • That would be a thousand times worse than Trinity Cyber. We average 0.03%, and our results are improving daily.

Industry Leading Detection of Microsoft Office Malicious Macros

  • During testing, Trinity Cyber also detected 88% of malicious macros embedded in Microsoft Office documents, nearly two and a half times that of the firewall! And, we neutralized the payload inline!
  • This is particularly noteworthy when you consider malicious macros embedded within Microsoft Office documents are perhaps the most common source of data breaches and one of the most difficult for other vendors to accurately detect.

Don't Waste Time Chasing Down False Positives

  • Cybersecurity teams using Trinity Cyber will spend less time chasing meaningless events and more time securing enterprises – saving considerable time and money.
  • According to a recent article from BitDefender.com, “on average, the typical organization wastes anywhere between 424 and 286 hours per week on false positives.” On average, that’s 15 minutes out of every hour!

Reduce Mean-Time-to-Resolution and Overall Threat Levels

  • According to the same article, 42% of organizations measure their mean-time-to-resolution in months or years.
  • Since we neutralize threats inline and in real time, we give back measurable time and provide additional value in the form of significantly reduced threats across the enterprise.

Find a Better Way to Secure Your Agency

Learn how you can boost your cybersecurity with the most innovative, active threat prevention solution on the market.